Research Activities
7. SQUID Amplifiers.
One of the best candidates for second stage amplifier of cryogenic high-sensitive Terahertz receiver is a Superconducting Quantum Interferometer (SQUID). If it is a heterodyne receiver with output at intermediate frequency (IF) of a few Gigaherts, then SQUID can be operated as a low-noise (Tn<1 K) amplifier. We were among pioneers in this field and in our earlier publications we demonstrated such amplifiers made of Nb junctions. Later we fabricated this type of amplifier with high critical temperature Josephson junctions. For details see references:
M.A.Tarasov, V.Yu.Belitsky, G.V.Prokopenko, “DC SQUID
RF amplifiers”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., v.2, N 2, (1992), pp. 79-83.
M.Tarasov; V.Belitsky; G.Prokopenko; L.Filippenko; V.Koshelets, “DC
SQUID RF amplifier with external mm-wave pumping and its testing by SIS
junction noise”, Superconductor Science & Technology, vol.4, no.11; Nov. 1991;
M.Tarasov; Z. Ivanov; L. Filippenko; A. Vystavkin, “The noise suppression mechanism in a superconducting quantum interference amplifier”, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics. vol.41, no.14; Nov. 1996; p.1297-303. (Ðàäèîòåõíèêà è ýëåêòðîíèêà)
M.Tarasov, Z.Ivanov, “Optimization of input impedance
and mechanism of noise suppression in a dc SQUID RF amplifier”, IEEE Trans.
Appl. Supercond., v.6, N 2, June 1996, pp. 81-86.
M.Tarasov; G.Prokopenko; V.Koshelets; I.Lapitskaya; L.Filippenko,
“Integrated rf amplifier based on dc SQUID”, IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity, vol. 5, no.2, pt.3; June 1995; p.3226-3229.
M.Tarasov, A.Vystavkin, L.Filippenko, “Performance margins and application area of SQUID amplifiers”, 25 European Microwave Conf., Bologna, Italy, 4-8 Sept. 1995, pp. 1118-1122.
M.Tarasov, L.Filippenko, A.Baryshev, A.Vystavkin, Graauw, W.Luinge, “Experimental studies of SQUID amplifier at 1 GHz with SIS mixer as a source of signal”, EUCAS’95, 3-6 July 1995, Edinburgh, Scotland., pp. 763-768.
A.Kalaboukhov, M.Tarasov, A.Lohmus, Z.Ivanov, O.Snigirev, Properties
of a high-Tc dc SQUID radiofrequency amplifier, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond.,
VOL. 13, No 2, 2003, pp. 1039-1041.
M.Tarasov, A.Kalabukhov, O.Snigirev, E.Stepantsov, Z.Ivanov, O.Mukhanov, “Radio frequency amplifier based on high temperature superconducting dc SQUID”, Proc. 85th Int. Supercond. Electronics Conf., June 19-22, 2001 Osaka, Japan, pp. 149-150.
M.Tarasov, A.Kalabukhov, O.Snigirev, S.Krasnosvobodtsev, “High frequency amplifier based on dc SQUID”, Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, v.45, N 9, pp. 1147-1152
G. V. Prokopenko, S. V. Shitov, D. V. Balashov,
V. P. Koshelets, and J. Mygind, "Low-noise S-band DC SQUID
Amplifier", presented at EUCAS'99, report 6-80, Barcelona, September
G. V. Prokopenko, D. V. Balashov, S. V. Shitov,
V. P. Koshelets, and J. Mygind, "Two-stage S-Band DC SQUID
Amplifier". Was presented at ASC-98,
G.V. Prokopenko,
S.V. Shitov, D.V. Balashov, P.N. Dmitriev, V.P. Koshelets
and J. Mygind, “Low-noise S-band DC SQUID Amplifier”, Applied
Superconductivity Conference ASC’2000, September (2000), Report 5EH04, IEEE
Trans. on Appl. Supercond., v.11,
No 1,
pp. 1239-1242,
G.V. Prokopenko,
S.V. Shitov, I.L. Lapitskaya, V.P. Koshelets and J. Mygind,
“Dynamic Characteristics of S-band DC SQUID Amplifier”, “IEEE Trans. on
Appl. Supercond.”, vol. 13, No 2, pp. 1042-1045, June 2003.
For incoherent receivers such as bolometers and direct detectors we can offer another type of SQUID readout, it is SQUID femtoamperemeter in which dc SQUID is matched to the source of signal by a high gain superconducting transformer. As a result we can measure current down to 35 fA/Hz1/2. Such SQUIDs are also fabricated in our laboratory. For details see latest publications:
M.Tarasov, A.Kalabukhov, S.Gudoshnikov, H.Seppa, M.Kiviranta, L.Kuzmin,
“Towards a SQUID readout for the normal metal hot-electron microbolometer”,
Physica C, 368 (2002), 161-165.
M.Tarasov, A.Kalabukhov, S.Kovtonjuk, I.Lapitskaya, S.Gudoshnikov, M.Kiviranta, O.Snigirev, L.Kuzmin, H.Seppa, Femtoamperemeter based on superconducting quantum interferometer and bulk transformer, J. of Communications Technol. And Electronics, Vol. 48, No 12 (2003), pp. 1521-1526.- file in txt format (14 kB).
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