Molecular Engineering in Quantum Electronics, Lantanide Spectrtoscopy, Powedered
- Head: Prof. V. F. Zolin, e-mail:
[email protected]
phone: (7095) 203-0156,
fax: (7095) 203-8414.
Born: 1935 ( Samara).
Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physical Engineering (MPhTI) (1958).
Doctor of Physics (1977, IRE RAS).
Professor of Physics (1991, IRE RAS).
Head of Research Group (IRE RAS).
One of the authors of the monographs: Quantum Standards of Frequency (1968), Spectra of
Europium Compounds (1974), Molecular Crystals in Nonlinear Optics. (1975) Second ed.,
reviced: Nonlinear Optics of Molecular Crystals (1985) Lanthanide Probe in Chemistry and
Biology (1980), One of the authors of about 200 papers on vibronic and NMR spectra of the
lanthanide compounds, on nonlinear optics of molecular crystals, on powdered lasers etc.
- Dr. V. M. Markushev, e-mail: [email protected]
phone (7095)203-0156.
Born: 1947 (Serpukhov).
Graduated from Moscow Electroengineering Institute of Communication (1972).
Ph.D., physics and mathematics (1984, IRE RAS).
Senior research worker (IRE RAS).
Author of about 30 papers on spectroscopy of lanthanides, physics of
laser materials and on powdered lasers.
- Dr. Ch.M. Briskina, e-mail:
[email protected]
phone: (7095) 203-0156.
Born: 1927 (Moscow).
Graduated from Phys. Department, Moscow State University (1948).
Ph.D., physics and mathematics (1969, IRE RAS).
Senior research worker (IRE RAS).
Author of about 25 papers on spectroscopy of lanthanides, physics of laser materials and
on powdered lasers.
- Dr. V.I. Tsaryuk, e-mail: [email protected]
phone (7095) 526-9196.
Born: 1944 (Novogrudok).
Graduated from Phys. Department, Rostov State University (1966).
Ph.D. in Physics (1977, IS RAS).
Senior research worker (IRE RAS).
Author of about 60 papers on electron-phonon interaction in spectra of the lanthanide
- Dr, Yu.O. Yakovlev, e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (7095) 526-9196.
Born: 1955 (Tomsk).
Graduated from Moscow Institute of Physical Engineering (MPhTI) (1978).
Ph.D. in Physics (1989, IRE RAS).
Senior research worker (IRE RAS).
Author of about 15 papers on nonlinear properties of molecular crystals and on organic
materials for the thin film organic electroluminescent devices.
The research group has wide experience in investigations of the physics of the solid
state lasers, in optical spectroscopy of the lanthanide doped laser materials, in physical
properties of molecular crystals with large nonlinear susceptibilities. Scope of research:
spectroscopic characteristics of lanthanide compounds in connection with the structure of
materials (lanthanide-ion as a probe of the structure), vibronic spectra of the lanthanide
compounds, the mechanisms of powdered laser generation, possible applications of powdered
lasers, methods of crystal growth and values of linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of
molecular crystals, selection of organic materials for thin film organic
electroluminescent devices etc. Equipment: Nd:YAG and N2 lasers (commercial), dye-lasers
(hand-made), spectrometers for visible and infrared, streak-camera, CID-camera.
- Ch.M.Briskina. V.M.Markushev, N.E.Ter-Gabrielyan, Kvant.Electronica, 23,947
(1996) (English translation: Quantum Electronics, 26, 923 (1996)).
- Yu.O. Yakovlev, B.A. Chayanov, V.A. Kylasov, P.P. Kisilitsa, V.F. Zolin.
Electroluminescence of the multilayered organic film structures, Inorganic and Organic
Electroluminescence (EL 96 Berlin), Ed. by R.H. Mauch and H.-E. Gumlich, 1996,
121-1-24,Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin, Deutschland.
- Yu.O. Yakovlev, B.A. Kalakov. The nonlinear optical properties of substituted stilbenes,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2801, 231-234 (1995).
- V.D. Savchenko, V.I. Tsaryuk, V.F. Zolin, Yu.K. Gusev. Resonant vibronic effect in the
luminescence spectra of europium compounds. in Tenth Feofilov Symposium on Spectroscopy of
Crystals activated by Rare-Earth and Transitional Metal Ions, A.I. Ryskin, V.F. Masterov,
eds. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 2706, 134 -141 (1996).
- V.I. Tsaryuk. V.F. Zolin, B.Ph. Dzhurinskii. Vibration Spectra of Lanthanide Molibdates
and Tungstates Compounds with Different Kinds of Oxygen Coordination of Molybdenum and
Tungsten. Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Russ.), 41, 489 - 495
- V.F. Zolin. Bioelectromagnetics in Russia. Radioscience, 30, 255-265